5.3 検閲









 合衆国では、憲法修正第一条のおかげで、当局による検閲は事実上存在しません。しかし、残念なことに、マスメディアが少数の人々の集中しているために、多様な意見が存在しません。マスメディアの多くが9つの大企業に手にあり[2]、それが、残りのメディアの依存する広告業界も牛耳っているのです。合衆国のメディアの情報源は、基本的に一つのルートすなわちAssociated Pressからでてきています。合衆国の出版業界は、基本的に一つの会社Ingramsの手にあります。第二次世界大戦の戦勝国側の所説に挑戦するような歴史文献を出版する出版社を合衆国で見つけることが今日のドイツでよりも困難であるのはまさにそのためなのです。

 今日まで合衆国には修正主義者を取り締まる法律は存在していませんが、合衆国は国外での修正主義的な研究をあらゆる手段を使って抑圧しています。1992年、FBIの「ナチ・ハンター」部局OSIはフランクフルト・アム・マインのアメリカ領事館からドイツにおける修正主義についての報告書を送っていますが、そのコピーが匿名で、歴史評論研究所にも送られてきました[3]。興味深いことに、この報告書は、ボンのイスラエル大使館、ニューヨークのイスラエル領事館、ロンドンのBnai Brith Lodgeにも直接配布されています。ですから、OSIはイスラエル国家、ユダヤ・ロビーと密接に協力しているのです。報告書の第3項では、ドイツ連邦犯罪捜査局が、修正主義的文献を所持している分子に対する取締りを強化すると約束したことが述べられています。世界各地で合衆国政府が、修正主義者の会合や出版物を取り締まる活動に関与していることは驚くべきことではありません。例えば、合衆国政府はレバノンを脅迫して、ベイルートで開かれる予定であった修正主義者の大会を中止させています[4]。また、合衆国は、外交的な圧力を加えて、エジプトの大手の新聞の編集者を辞めさせています。この編集者が修正主義的な記事の掲載を認めたためでした[5]。私は祖国ドイツで迫害を受けるようになったために、合衆国に政治的な避難の場を求めてきましたが、合衆国政府ありとあらゆる法的な手段・法律外の手段を使って私を国外追放処分にしようとしています[6]






















 Sunt apud nos cogitationes liberae in foro interno, constrictae tamen in foro publico. [] Ego quidem illud iudaeorum gentis excidium, ratione institutum et in castris extinctionis gaso pernicioso methodice peractum, veram fabulam esse nego. Sed documentorum et argumentorum scholae revisionisticae ratione habita haud scio, an hoc verum sit. []







L: All because of a footnote in Latin? How can a footnote in Latin incite the

masses to anything? They cannot understand it, to begin with!

R: In Germany language is irrelevant but content is everything. So, what kind of a

political system is it that burns a scholarly anthology dedicated to one of Germanys

great post-war historians?

L: Hepp and Diwald were but only right-wing historians.

R: So what does that mean? That they do not have a right to express their scholarly

opinion? Is that the meaning of Article 5, Section 3, of the German Basic

Law: Research and teaching are free, as long as researchers and teachers do not

air any right-wing views? And who defines what right-wing views are, other

than views that are unacceptable to those in power?

Two examples illustrate, where this kind of thinking leads to. The first occurred

on October 27, 2000, and concerns the rejection by a Chemnitz public prosecutor

to open investigations about a complaint made by a German conservative

political activist who felt defamed because the media had labeled him a Nazi.

The public prosecutor justified his decision not to open an investigation as follows:


In determining the question whether the labeling as neo-Nazi is defamatory,

it is important to consider how an impartial observer, an average

reader understands this expression. Particularly when considering the background

of frequent recent public discussions of right-wing violence, the

term neo-Nazi is used as a collective term for all persons who are associated

to the political right-wing spectrum in any which way, without differentiating

between memberships to any group within the right-wing spectrum. The

term used here does therefore not constitute defamation, but merely assigns

the complainant to a group. As the chairman of the Junge Landsmannschaft

of Saxony and Lower Silesia [youth organization of Saxon patriots] he is

without a doubt to be categorized as a person with a right-wing orientation.

L: In other words: right = neo-Nazi = devilish = outlawed.

R: Exactly, especially because neo-Nazis are generally considered to be the

dredges of humanity.

The second example shows what can happen when the hysterical hunt for anything

actual or only alleged right-wing begins. The Austrian Professor Dr.

Werner Pfeifenberger once taught politics at a respected German university.

Then he committed the crime of taking a quotation from German communist

1339 AG Tubingen, ref. 4 Gs 1085/97.

1340 Facsimile reproduction in TR 1(2) (2003), p. 216; www.vho.org/Intro/StA-Nazi1.png&~/Sta-



Kurt Tucholsky out of context, who had once

written that the German bourgeoisie should be

gassed. As dramatic as this may sound, Tucholskys

text was opposing any war, the consequences

of which for example poison gas attacks

he wished the bourgeoisie to experience

themselves in order to finally become pacifist.

Professor Pfeifenberger used this and other truncated

quotations in an article, in which he compared

nationalism and internationalism. That was

the reason why he was finally labeled and

shunned as a right winger and persecuted. He

was exposed to a media hate campaign, lost his

teaching position, and at the end was even indicted

in Austria for re-engaging in National Socialist

activities, which can be punished with up

to twenty years in prison. With the complete

breakdown of his private life and his career and

confronted with a possible prison term, he committed

suicide on May 13, 2000.1341

L: Oh, my God! First books get burned, and now

even people die!

R: Yes, and they also burn. To that a final example, even if it doesnt concern an

academic. Reinhold Elstner, a German war veteran, had suffered for many

years under what he termed the Niagara flood of lies and distorted history

with which he and his generation have been doused. In 1995 he wrote a passionate

appeal to the German people to stop these lies and distortions. On April

25, 1995, he went to the Munich Feldherrenhalle, poured gasoline over himself

and lit a match. He died shortly thereafter.1342

L: That is an act of a stupid fanatic.

R: You can view it like that. But the reaction from the German authorities was just

as stupid and fanatical. They confiscated Elstners last appeal and prohibited its

publication. They also prohibited any commemorative meetings for him at the

Feldherrenhalle, and to this day they remove and destroy any wreath or flowers

that were and are placed there in Reinhold Elstners memory.

L: That reminds me somehow of the reaction by the communist administration in

Czechoslovakia, when in 1969 the Prague student Jan Palach emulated himself

in protest against the Soviet Unions repression of the Prague Spring.

R: The parallel is quite striking.

The tangled web of censorship and persecution of dissenters in Germany cannot

be presented here in detail, so I can only make a reference to further publi-

1341 See Otto Scrinzi, Menschenjagd bis in den Tod,Aula, 6/2000; and Rudi Zornig, Zum Gedenken an

Werner Pfeifenberger,VffG 4(2) (2000), pp. 131f.

1342 See: Reinhold Elstner, Zum Gedenken an Reinhold Elstner,VffG, 4(2) (2000), pp. 127-130.

Ill. 156: Feldherrenhalle,

Munich: stains of the fire

left behind by Reinhold



cations.1343 But what I may present here are data published by the German Office

for the Protection of the Constitution about what the German authorities

call propaganda offences. Besides historical expressions there are also all

sorts of political expressions as well as the displaying of prohibited flags, symbols,

emblems, pictures, the distribution, playing or singing of prohibited

songs, and more. Some of these listed offences may indeed be associated with

the spreading of National Socialist thoughts, as are the painting of swastikas or

the spreading of some National Socialist quotations and symbols. All these activities

are legal, for example, in the U.S. or in the UK.

L: Considering German history they should indeed be prohibited.

R: I think we need to discuss that because if these things are prohibited, why not

also all material that comes from the communists? If we ban all things from the

right, why not also ban everything on the left? Everyone showing a red

five-pointed star, waving a flag with hammer and sickle, singing the Internationale,

selling copies of the Communist Manifesto or the Captial, and so on,

ought to be punished. Considering the duty to treat all citizens equally, who

could object? But if we treat everyone as the right-wingers are treated in

Germany, who would not be ostracized and persecuted? After all, even if we

accept the official versions of history, then the leftcommunism of the world

was still far more brutal than National Socialism. If you persecute left-wing

propaganda offences and anything that is left-wing, as the right-wingers

are persecuted, then we would soon have everything off-limit, persecuted, and

possibly be all imprisoned. It would be easier again to build a wall around

Germany and convert the whole country into a huge prison camp, as did the

leaders of former communist East Germany, Ulbricht and Honecker.

L: But you cannot compare these things. In any case in Germany the Nazis raged

more than the communists.

R: Even that is debatable. After all, the National Socialists are not responsible for

the victims of the ethnic cleansing of eastern Germany and eastern Europe from

all Germans, which rests mainly on Stalins shoulders. I may also point out that

you are trying to impose an illegal and immoral system of collective responsibility:

You justify the restricting of civil rights of all Germans living today with

what some of their grandfathers or great-grandfathers are claimed to have done.

A moral person cannot accept that.

In my opinion there should be no such thing as propaganda offences in a

constitutional, democratic state. Only clear incitements to, or approval of, actual

crimes should be open to criminal investigation, like for example statements

similar to No civil rights for Greenlanders! or It is a good thing to

murder those who fanatically believe they were chosen by God. It is not the

expression of peaceful opinions that ought to be prosecuted, but any attempt by

authorities to suppress such opinions ought to be prosecuted.

1343 See: Anton Magerle (=G Rudolf), Eine Zensur findet nicht statt, es sei denn…”VffG 2(4) 1998, pp.

300-307, on the Internet at www.vho.org/censor/D.html (also in English); cf. also G. Rudolf, Discovering

Absurdistan?TR 1(2) (2003), p. 203-219; G. Rudolf, op. cit. (75).


L: Then in Germany a number of judges and

public prosecutors would be off to jail.

R: Not necessarily, since according to fundamental

legal principles laws cannot be enforced

retroactively (ex post facto). But if todays

violations of fundamental civil rights

by German authorities will in future be found

to have been in violation of then already existing

laws which I think is the case then,

yes, the prisons will fill up swiftly.

Now just a few words on the mechanism of

German censorship, so that you understand

what we are dealing with here. There are

German police units that are responsible for

the protection of the constitution, and its

members investigate and prosecute those individuals

deemed to be committing propaganda


I hear irritating murmurings? Yes, ladies and

gentlemen, because modern Germany considers

itself to be a democracy willing to defend

itself, its police forces have quite large

state protection departments. There investigations are directed by specially

trained public prosecutors who do nothing but prosecute political offences. In

German courts of law such offences are heard before so-called state protection

chambers, which have specialized themselves in political trials.

L: I thought Germany did not have a political penal system, since officially at

least there is no political persecution.

R: This illusion I must take from you.

L: So, anyone accused before these courts of propaganda offences and sentenced

to a prison term can be regarded as political prisoners?

R: Right. In a yearly tally of some 10,000 initiated criminal investigations involving

thought crimes there would be about a few hundred that end with a prison

term. The majority of investigations is either shelved because of unknown perpetrators

or a defendant is given a fine. There are also acquittals, of course.

Only a minority of these cases reaches a trial judge, and again a minority of

these end with a prison sentences.

Censorship in Germany is enforced in two steps. On the one hand any court can

determine the prohibition of a medium, and on the other hand the Bundesprufstelle

fur jugendgefahrdende Medien (BPjM, Federal Office for Media Endangering

the Youth) can index a medium, that is to say, it can prohibit that it be

offered or sold publicly. In the past the lists of indexed media were openly

1344 Bundesministerium des Inneren (ed.), Bundesverfassungsschutzbericht (Report of the German Office

for the Protection of the Constitution), Bundesdruckerei, Bonn 1995-2005, quoting data as provided by

the German Federal Bureau of Investigation (Bundeskriminalamt). (see www.verfassungsschutz.de).

Tab. 27: Germany tYear Right Left Foreign Total

1994 5,562 185 235 5,982

1995 6,555 256 276 7,087

1996 7,585 557 818 8,960

1997 10,257 1,063 1,249 12,569

1998 9,549 1,141 2,098 12,788

1999 8,651 1,025 1,525 11,201

2000 13,863 979 525 15,367

2001 8,874 429 353 9,656

2002 9,807 331 467 10,605

2003 9,692 431 1,340 11,463

2004 10,915 410 341 11,666

Total: 101,310 6,807 9227 117,344

          Right: Offenses with right wing extremis


available at larger libraries, but because such lists indirectly advertise prohibited

material, they are now housed under lock and key.

L: That is quite appropriate if it concerns pornography and horror movies.

R: The Bundesprufstelle was originally established in order to prevent the distribution

of such material to children and adolescents, and that is still its primary

function to this day.

L: No objections arise out of this.

R: Correct. As early as 1990, Dr. Eckhart Jesse, sociology professor in Chemnitz,

criticized the Bundesprufstelle in a publication of the German Office for the

Protection of the Constitution for conducting a one-sided battle against what it

considers to be right-wing media.1345 According to Jesse the censorship measures

of the BPjM:1346

are difficult to reconcile with the principles of a free society [] because

the written and spoken word must not be subjected to guardianship. [] A

free society must not suffocate or suppress the free exchange of ideas and


R: In 2004 the German law to protect the youth was tightened regarding material

that violates criminal law meaning: the really dangerous political and historical

material such as this very book. According to this new law, the Bundesprufstelle

now has to keep such really dangerous media in secret lists that must

not be made accessible to the public.1347

L: This means German citizens cannot even inform themselves what material is


R: Exactly. The next step of German censorship the prohibition, confiscation,

and total destruction of material through German court orders also remains a

secret to most citizens, because these judgments are published in secret lists

that the German Federal Bureau of Investigation collects.1348 Anyone who

thinks about getting prohibited material for distribution, production, importing,

exporting, storing, offering, reviewing, selling, or bringing it into circulation in

any other way, will receive a visit from the police.

L: But how can you prevent committing a crime when the authorities keep secret

what is prohibited?

R: Ignorance is no protection from prosecution.

L: But you cannot do anything about becoming knowledgeable about what is prohibited,

since it is secret

R: Bad luck. That is part of being a citizen of a democracy willing to defend

itself, the German type. Add to this that the German authorities have installed

a denunciation telephone line where you can report suspicious right-wing activities:

01805-234566. Such a number is also available in France.

L: What do you have against a democracy willing to defend itself?

1345 Eckhard Jesse, op. cit. (note 157), pp. 304, cf. p. 289.

1346 Ibid., pp. 287, 303.

1347 JuSchuG, Art. 18, Sec. 2, 3-4; Bundesgesetzblatt 2002, I, p. 2730, 2003, I, pp. 476, 3007, 3076,

(www.bmfsfj.de/RedaktionBMFSFJ/Abteilung5/Pdf-Anlagen?juschg-stand-01-04-04, property=pdf.pdf)

1348 See: Richtlinien fur das Strafverfahren und das Bussgeldverfahren no. 208, II + IV; according to: Gerd

Pfeiffer (ed.), Karlsruher Kommentar zur Strafprozessordnung, 3rd ed., Beck, Munich 1993, p. 2147.


R: As long as this defensiveness does not unnecessarily restrict basic civil rights,

nothing really. But how would you justify this present books confiscation on

grounds that it incites to hatred? Then the German authorities secretly incinerate

the confiscated books, and anyone caught buying copies as gifts for

friends or relatives ends up in front of a criminal court. Distributing the book

you are holding in your very hands right now is an offence punishable with up

to five years in prison in Germany. And you call that a democracy under the

rule of law?

Let me support this with a quotation from an expert. On January 19, 1993, Eike

Musmann, professor of criminology at the Academy of Public Administration

in Ludwigsburg (Germany), held a lecture at Stuttgart before the Catholic student

fraternity Nordgau Prag, to which I then belonged. The topic was The

Police in times of change. In his presentation he was critical of the constant

undermining of civil rights in Germany and the extension of police powers.

Professor Musmann noted that should this trend not be reversed he would not

like to live in Germany in forty years because Germany would have become a

police state along the lines of the Orwellian model.

L: It appears as if Professor Musmann overestimated the time needed for German

politicians to achieve this change.

R: That is how I see things, too. Revisionists repeatedly pointed out this dangerous

development. For example, I may remind you that in 2000 a free issue of the

journal The Revisionist was distributed as an insert in the university newspaper

at St. Cloud State University in Minnesota. This issue of The Revisionist carried

an article on the escalating persecution and book burning with focus on

Germany by drawing parallels to Ray Bradburys novel Fahrenheit 451.1349

Some students of that university were so enraged not about these violations

of the most basic civil rights in Germany, but about finding revisionist material

in their newspaper that they publicly burned this free journal (see p. 112)!

Hence, I doubt that most members of our species deserve the adjective


Of special concern for the German and French authorities is the Internet, as you

can well imagine, because this medium has democratized the mass media.

Without incurring great expenditure, anyone can now express their views to

anyone else. Of course, it wasnt long before the French and German authorities

took up this challenge. At first the large search engines of the Internet were

threatened with legal action if they did not stop showing prohibited Internet

material as search results. Step by step the search engines programmed their

websites so that visitors from Germany and France would be directed to sites

where certain prohibited Internet contents are not shown. For example, the

largest search engine in the world www.google.com shows all pages of the

largest revisionist website www.vho.org. Not so the French or German versions

of the Google search engine www.google.fr and www.google.de, which do not

1349 Ray Bradbury, Fahrenheit 451, Hart-Davis, London 1967; republished by Long Beach Public Library

Foundation, Long Beach, CA, 2005.


display a single page of www.vho.org.1350 The German censors took it one step

further by threatening with legal action all Internet service providers who pass

on prohibited content to their users.1351 Hence I receive information from Germany,

even from Switzerland, that my website www.vho.org has become inaccessible.

L: The dream of democratizing the media seems to be a nightmare for the democrats.

R: As you can see, the censors are hitting back. Parallel with the ever increasing

Holocaust propaganda since the 1950s, there is an ever increasing censorship

rage among central and western European politicians, and the hardest hit victims

are the dissenting historians, the revisionists.

Imagine what would happen if the persecution experienced by revisionists had

happened to other groups, for example Jews, homosexuals, women, left-wing

individuals. A world-wide media campaign would begin. But because the victims

are merely perceived as being right-wingers, the matter is ignored and

silently dismissed. Viewed objectively, however, there is no difference between

Jehovah Witnesses and communists on the one hand, who were imprisoned

during the Third Reich,1352 and right-wingers and revisionists on the other

hand, who challenge the official historiography about the Third Reich and are

imprisoned in todays Germany because of their publications.

L: It appears hardly anyone in Germany cares about this increase in censorship.

R: Fear is all pervasive. Courage, which should first of all be directed against

those misusing their political power, is in Germany a rare virtue. Even during

1914 and 1939 the German underling hated to question the authority of the bureaucrats

and judicial system, something that is still a transgression for him today.

Hardly anyone warns about the continued undermining of civil rights, and

most merely bitch in their splendid isolated cellars.

It appears that the German tradition of freedom of speech and thought is rather

underdeveloped. In view of German history, it would be the proper reaction to

apply universal human rights strictly and impartially to anyone and not to

deny them to the right side of the political spectrum for a change, as is the

case today. Regarding civil rights, Germany finds itself in a vicious circle,

where the pendulum is madly swinging from one extreme to another. It is time

for it to come to rest, to balance in the middle.

1350 G. Rudolf, Censorship of the Internet,TR 1(2) (2003), pp. 220-222.

1351 Online-Demonstration, BRD plant totale Internetzensur in Deutschland,VffG 8(2) (2004), pp. 228-

231; cf. Reuter, Bonn, August 20, 1997 (www.vho.org/News/D/News4_97.html#minister); Der

Spiegel, 35/2000, p. 17 (~/News3_00.html#n68); Suddeutsche Zeitung, September 14, 2003

(~/News1_04.html#m24); similarly also in Australia (~/News1_00.html#30).

1352 Although it can be argued that initially communists were not imprisoned because of their views but

rather because one feared physical acts of violence.


[1] Compare the cases of Fredrick Toben in Australia (www.adelaideinstitute.org) and Ernst Zundel in Canada (www.zundelsite.org); cf. also Ingrid Rimland, Ernst Zundel: His Struggle for Germany,TR 1(2) (2003), pp. 183-196.

[2] Robert W. McChesney, Corporate Media and the Threat to Democracy, Seven Stories Press, New York 1997; Robert W McChesney, Rich Media, Poor Democracy, New Press, New York 2000.

[3] Office of Special Investigation, Department of Justice, Field Report Subject: BKA REP5033 93/Revisionist Propaganda Continues, October 9, 1992.

[4] See: Germar Rudolf, Von Beirut nach Amman,VffG, 5(2) (2001), p. 122; Robert Faurisson, Beirut: Die unmogliche revisionistische Konferenz, ibid, p. 123 (Engl.: Beirut: the Impossible Revisionist Conference,www.vho.org/aaargh/engl/FaurisArch/RF010327.html); Ibrahim Alloush, Die Geschichte eines Forums, dass nicht stattfinden sollte, ibid, pp. 124-236.

[5] See: VffG 8(3) (2004), p. 366 (www.vho.org/news/D/News3_04.html).

[6] For a case description see www.germarrudolf.com.

[8] Zionism and other forms of imperialism, international high finance, corporate capitalism, egalitarian ideologies; cf. G. Rudolf, Revisionism: An Ideology of Liberation,TR 3(1&2) (2005), in preparation.

[9] このことは、ドイツ最大のニューズマガジン『シュピーゲル』の学生版でもいわれている。www.spiegel.de/unispiegel/studium/0, 1518, 125322, 00.html .インターネットを検索すると、この問題を議論しているドイツのサイトは、ドイツ国歌の一番と二番は禁止されていない点を強調しなくてはならないと考えいることがわかる。E.g. www.deutschlandlied.de/; www.frankfurterverbindung. de/studentenlieder/liedderdeutschen.html; www.deutscheschutzgebiete. de/deutschlandlied.htm; 英語圏のメディアは、一番が禁止されているとしばしば報道しているが、それは、誤りである。see for example the British Searchlight (www.searchlightmagazine.com/stories/Defending Wehrmacht.htm).

[10] The Independent, March 21, 2001, p. 5.

[11] The case of F. Rennicke, see the verdict of September 18 October 15, 2002, LG Stuttgart, ref. no. 6Js8818/98; see the article by Johannes Heyne, Patriotenverfolgung: Der Fall Ute und Frank Rennikke, VffG, 7(1) (2003), pp. 81-93; cf. also Rennickes website http://go.to/Rennicke.

[12] Johannes Heyne, Der Fall Hans-Jurgen Witzsch,VffG 7(2) (2003), pp. 212-222.

[13] R.J. Eibicht (ed.), op. cit. (note 6).

[14] R. Hepp, op. cit. (note 6), p. 147.

[15] AG Tubingen, ref. 4 Gs 1085/97.